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Global Guardian generally considers Morocco a safe destination for travelers, but some regions have an elevated risk of terrorism, while others suffer from instances of petty crime. 


Morocco has long beckoned travelers with its vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and historic cities like Fez, Casablanca, Tangier, and Marrakech. But before you embark on a Moroccan adventure, whether for business or leisure, learning about the safety, security, and possible risks you might encounter is recommended.

Global Guardian analysts assess Morocco as a generally safe destination. Morocco boasts good security services, and the government prioritizes tourist safety. Petty theft is the most common issue you might encounter, but terrorism and kidnapping, though less frequent, are also concerns. In addition, certain travelers, namely women, may need to take certain precautions during their travels.

By exercising caution, staying informed about current events, and familiarizing yourself with local customs, you can navigate Morocco with confidence. Here’s everything you need to know about traveling safely in Morocco.

Morocco: What to Know

Morocco is a North African Kingdom on the western edge of the continent. Morocco borders Algeria to the east and south, and the Western Sahara territory to the southwest. Morocco has a population of nearly 40 million people and a GDP of roughly $385 billion. The country is home to several historically and culturally rich cities including Casablanca, Marrakech, Tangier, Fez, and Rabat.

Morocco boasts a unique blend of Berber, Arab, and European influences, reflected in its vibrant culture, architecture, and cuisine. Travelers flock to experience the bustling marketplaces, called souks, overflowing with handcrafted treasures, from intricate carpets to aromatic spices. Additionally, Morocco's diverse landscapes offer a taste of adventure for every type of traveler, from trekking in the High Atlas Mountains to unwinding on Atlantic Ocean beaches.

Morocco's rich history comes alive in its ancient imperial cities, with majestic palaces and captivating ruins. A blend of cultural immersion, natural wonders, and historical intrigue is what makes Morocco such a sought-after travel destination, and quick flights from Western Europe make it accessible for many travelers, including Americans.

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General Safety Overview of Morocco

In general, Morocco is safe for travelers. The U.S. State Department rates Morocco with a “Level 2” safety advisory, which means travelers should exercise increased caution.

As is the case with nearly any country, there are varying risk factors to consider when visiting Morocco. You may be susceptible to these risks depending on where you travel in the country, the purpose of your travel, and the precautions you take.


The Level 2 safety advisory from the State Department for Morocco is “due to terrorism.” The advisory states: 

“Terrorist groups continue plotting possible attacks in Morocco. Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, and local government facilities.”

Threat of terrorism is mainly from “small, independent terrorist cells that are inspired by or affiliated with ISIS.” However, there have been no major acts of terrorism within the country in years, going back to the 2011 bombing in Marrakech.


Crime rates are relatively low compared with other countries in the region – the major concern for travelers will likely be petty crime. Travelers may be targeted for bag snatching, pickpocketing, and other forms of opportunistic theft. This is most common in dense areas heavily frequented by tourists including parts of Casablanca, Rabat, and Marrakech. Female travelers are frequently subjected to harassment.

Unique cultural aspects contributing to safety

Morocco is a conservative and highly religious Islamic society where traditional gender norms are enforced and the acceptance of LGBTQ+ people is circumstantial. A developed tourist industry has curated a higher level of acceptance in Morocco than in similar countries, but this difference is marginal.

Government efforts to ensure tourism safety

Tourism is a significant part of Morocco’s economy and the government takes steps to ensure tourist security. Crimes against foreigners are usually pursued seriously and quickly.

Breaking Down Safety in Morocco by Location

Throughout Morocco, Global Guardian recommends taking smart, general precautions that apply to many destinations, including:

  • Avoid traveling through unlit areas or traveling alone at night
  • Avoid street food in general and only drink bottled water
  • Only use ATMs during daylight hours and at large facilities, preferably inside banks
  • Do not display overt forms of wealth
  • Avoid demonstrations and protests

Though Morocco is considered safe travel destination overall, there are few areas that travelers should specifically avoid. Global Guardian recommends not traveling to the Western Sahara region, the Algerian border, and the Rif Mountains.

Regarding the Western Sahara, the territories of Guelmim-Oued Noun, Laayoune-Sakia El Hamra, Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab are either partially or substantially administered by the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, not the government of Morocco, and have an elevated risk of terror.

Most travel to Morocco takes place in the country’s major cities and cultural destinations, which have developed tourist and business infrastructure. Cities of note are assessed by Global Guardian below:

Map of Morocco within Africa

Is Marrakech safe?

Marrakech is considered safe for travelers, and normal travel precautions can be taken. There is the typical risk of petty crime and scams.

Is Casablanca safe?

Casablanca is considered safe for travelers, and normal travel precautions can be taken. This is Morocco’s economic and business capital. Our analysts note that Casablanca has a higher harassment threat than other areas.

Is Tangier safe?

Tangier is considered safe for travelers, and normal travel precautions can be taken. Our analysts note that Tangier has a higher pickpocket threat than other areas.

Safety Measures and Considerations for Travelers

Your safety needs can change depending on who you are, what you’re doing, and where you’re going in Morocco. The following guidance should help everyone from business travelers to solo backpackers understand the risks of traveling in Morocco.

Transportation safety

Local transportation is generally reliable. For executives, we recommend car and driver. Self-driving is never recommended. Driving in between urban areas is not recommended at night.

Accommodation safety

There is a range of accommodations catering to various types of visitors. Travelers should thoroughly research their accommodations to ensure that they meet their desired level of security and service.

Cultural etiquette

Travelers should inform themselves of Moroccan cultural customs and observe them. There are practices surrounding food, greetings, interacting with members of the opposite sex, and matters concerning Islam. For example, in Islamic and Arabic cultures, the left hand is considered unclean, and visitors should avoid using it when eating.

Avoiding cultural transgressions can help travelers avoid negative attention and possible arrest, prosecution, detention, or searches by authorities.  

Safety measures for women

Morocco is a conservative country where women are routinely harassed, mainly by “catcalling.” Dressing modestly is advised. Frommer’s says that “dressing conservatively can range from loose, long pants, shoulder-covering short-sleeve shirts, and shoes or sandals to a full-length Moroccan robe, called a jellabah. This rule of thumb covers both day and night, although is a bit more relaxed should you be visiting one of the country's finer restaurants or highbrow nightclubs."

Safety measures for Americans

The relationship between the U.S. and Morocco is strong, and there is no reason for people from the U.S. to be concerned whether Morocco is safe for Americans specifically. That said, Americans should register their trip with the American embassy in Morocco and consult this document.

Travel Advisories for Morocco

Travel advisories should be consulted ahead of and during a trip. As mentioned earlier, a safety level of 2 indicates travelers should exercise increased caution, 3 that they should reconsider travel, and 4 that they should not travel to Morocco. The letters included at the heading denote the manner of threat to travel. A “T” denotes the risk of terrorism.

The present advisory is for travelers to exercise increased caution. That can change, so continue to check advisories as your trip approaches. Business travelers should seek advice and intelligence from their duty of care provider prior to and during their trip.

Additionally, while Morocco generally poses a low risk to travelers, there is always the possibility of an emergency, such as a sudden medical issue. Morocco’s medical infrastructure is sound, but there is unequal distribution of resources, as most specialists, equipment, and quality care are clustered in major urban areas, as well as reported workforce shortages. Consider the use of medical evacuation and repatriation coverage while traveling in Morocco.

Morocco presents a blend of cultural richness and natural beauty for travelers to explore. While generally safe, it's wise for visitors to remain vigilant, especially in crowded areas where petty theft can occur. Although terrorism remains a concern, major incidents have been infrequent. To ensure a positive experience, travelers, particularly women and Americans, should respect local customs, stay informed about current events, and utilize embassy resources.

As you plan your trip, know that Global Guardian offers comprehensive support to ensure your journey is safe and memorable, from pre-travel intelligence reports and executive transportation and protection to 24/7 access to our operations centers. Our security and emergency response coverage in Morocco allows us to support travelers quickly in the event of an emergency, including in Marrakech, Fez, Casablanca, Rabat, Tangier, Meknes, Essaouira, Nador, Oujda, Safi, Agadir, and in the national parks and other destinations and sites throughout the country.

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