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INCIDENT: An executive was the target of harassment, requiring protective services while at work.




Global Guardian received a phone call from a corporate duty of care client, concerned for the safety of one of their executives. While at work, the executive was experiencing harassment — finding notes with intimidating messages and being followed — by a person outside of the company, but at a nearby facility. As part of their workplace violence response policy, the client took swift action to safeguard the executive.

While working with the local authorities on the case, the client wanted to quickly engage executive protection services to mitigate and detect any subsequent threats.


Upon receiving the request, the Global Guardian team immediately began coordinating with its network of local, vetted agents — working within a small window of time to set up support for the next day. After engaging an agent experienced in this type of threat, our team sent a detailed mission brief to the client’s security team, which relayed the details to the executive. In order to keep a low profile and not cause alarm among other employees, Global Guardian recommended that the agent maintain a discreet presence, blending into the office setting.

The following day, the plainclothes agent arrived onsite to meet the executive and provide support. As the executive worked, the agent positioned himself nearby with a clear line of sight to see who entered the office in order to intercept any threat. The agent also escorted the executive when walking to and from the office, maintaining situational awareness and scanning for threats. The agent was onsite for two weeks, during which time the executive experienced no further incidents.

Effective workplace violence response is a critical component of a company’s duty or care obligation. This incident emphasizes the importance of having a partner that can provide customized and hyper-responsive support to deter and mitigate workplace violence threats — creating an environment where employees feel safe and secure.


  • Global Guardian provided the client with a vetted, experienced executive protection agent within 24 hours of their inquiry to mitigate workplace violence threats.
  • The discrete agent supported the executive traveling to and from work and while in the office for two weeks until the threat was resolved.


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