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Emergency Response

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Lorem Ipsum

Emergency Response

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Lorem Ipsum

Emergency Response

In 2024, the global risk landscape will be shaped by high-level geopolitical drivers and regional challenges to include corruption and sectarian-fueled unrest, transnational organized narco-crime, and terrorism. As such, it's essential that businesses and organizations around the world understand the exposure of their operations and people to these evolving security risks and prepare business continuity plans to ensure resiliency amid global disruption.

To help corporate leaders and travelers better assess the global risk landscape, Global Guardian publishes a yearly global risk assessment. Inside this year's assessment, you'll find: 

The 2024 Global Risk MapGlobal risk map

  • This map displays country-specific security risk levels based on a series of indicators including crime, health, natural disasters, infrastructure, political stability, civil unrest, and terrorism.
  • The Risk Map highlights significant changes from last year's risk assessment and includes key takeaways.

New This year: The Taiwan Shock Index

  • In this new map, we answer the question: “What would happen to countries across the globe if a Taiwan Strait crisis occurs. The Taiwan Shock Index (TSI) attributes a Low to Extreme categorical risk rating, indicating the degree to which a China-Taiwan conflict could destabilize a given country.
  • The TSI includes five sector snapshots detailing the top-line economic impacts on a select number of industries.

Complete the form below to explore the interactive Global Risk Map and Taiwan Shock Index, and download your copy.


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